I can't drink too much coffee and other things about me

Where to start where to start...

Well that's me above with M; one of my daughters.
I'm a momma. I'm an artist/photographer. I teach art to children and I am part of the Art Abandonment movement. 
I can be socially awkward. I'm an introvert. I love to sing and dance. I'm learning to play the ukulele.
Too much caffeine makes me jitter. 
I'm a Whovian, I'm Sherlocked and I want to be in the Ministry of Silly Walks. 
I dressed my kids up as Neil Gaiman and Adam Rex Book characters and had the photo I took of my little Chu retweeted by Mr Rex and Mr Gaiman.
This year one of my kids wants to dress up as a Terry Pratchett Character; this pleases me so much that there are no words.
I adore Amanda Palmer. 
I'm teaching myself French using an app I found out about while watching Tedx talks. 
I get sick at the drop of a hat, or to be more precise; when someone in the room sneezes. I stay sick for longer than most, mostly due to a mild immune disorder; (some of my white blood cells think other the white blood cells are tasty. this kind of disturbs me).
I'm guilty of letting my 8 year old watch ZeFrank's True Facts series but not guilty of letting her watch some of his other videos. 
I often take books out from the library based on their covers and illustrations. 
I'm always making something.
I love to bounce art ideas around with my peers.
I've been known to eat too much candy corn.

This page is likely to change at anytime

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